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What’s the Best about Writing?

sun setting over the mountains
Photo by Tomas Anunziata on Pexels.com

What’s the best about writing?

For me, I enjoy using my imagination to display the scenes I write. To take a completely blank page to fill it with action and personality. To begin with a nameless, faceless character and create a person with strengths and quirks, having them make terrible choices so they fail at first, only to finally triumph. I delight in meaningful dialogue as well with characters in earnest discussion about spiritual topics. I’m much in tune with the creative aspects of my writing.

Something else I enjoy is taking bits of unfinished manuscripts and inserting them into my current one. For instance, the name Rudy for my pastor comes from an earlier story about an autistic boy with the same name. If you’re observant, you might catch a reference to space mercenary Zag Doran on a poster who appeared in my first submitted but rejected story. I like recycling these bits because all my previous writing has brought me to where I’m at today. In a way, I also keep these earlier stories alive.

If you write, what’s the best about writing for you?

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