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The Fifth Avenue Story Society Review

By Jeremy D Vance

I just finished the audiobook today and Rachel Hauck did a fantastic job writing the The Fifth Avenue Story Society. I will try my best not to spoil anything as I write this. The author creates quite memorable characters as she weaves their lives together. Each is invited to attend this society at a place in New York City. Though I’m not a resident of the City that Never Sleeps, I felt transported there with Hauck’s deft brushes of description. Personally I’m not a fan of overdone description, but none of that was apparent.

I could also relate to Hauck’s characters as she revealed deeper issues within their lives. She created points of connection between them and us readers, points that could be reached if any of us is honest with our own self.

I also thought Hauck managed the line of tension well as she fed me enough information to keep me interested without giving away the whole surprise. To juggle the many points of view without giving away too much is quite the feat.

This book might be useful as an evangelistic tool for someone with an unbelieving friend who likes contemporary fiction with some romance. Perhaps they could read it together as the spiritual component is gradually filtered in later.

Now you might wonder why I read a book probably written for women? The storytelling and writing parts intrigued me as a writer and I liked romantic movies in my single days. Would I recommend The Fifth Avenue Story Society? Yes I would and if you’re a writer, you might learn some things as well.

To learn about Rachel Hauck https://rachelhauck.com/

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1 Comment

  1. Jim Vance

    I really like this review. While I probably won’t read the book it did pique my interest.
    Thank you

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