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5 words describe my book


My book speaks to the need to forgive others. Perhaps someone in your life has broken you with words or actions which has led you to leave them unforgiven. As Pastor Rudy’s life mirrors your own, you can read how God destroys his chains of bitterness. I pray that his story will provide you with the hope that you too can forgive even the most hurtful people in your life. God CAN accomplish more than you can ask or imagine according to the power at work within you.


I have offered this story up to the Lord to accomplish his work with it. I pray that the right people may read it and experience life transformation. God may bring it out to many or a few. It is up to him. With prayer, I have laid out before him and he may use it for his glory as he sees fit.


My writing focuses more on the characters than on the plot. While a plot exists, it serves as the vehicle to reveal Rudy’s character as well as his friends’. It also demonstrates how God can transform us from sinful people to loving and serving others for his glory.


Romantic, but not romance characterizes a part of my novel. Rudy meets Millie, a follower of the New Age who challenges his notions of friendship and ministry. God even uses this unbeliever to highlight his problem with unforgiveness and call him to yield up his bitterness. Will he listen?


Others will injure you. Betrayal. Slander. Abandonment. What must you do with your wounds? Do you fail to treat them so they fester with bitterness? Or do you bring them to the Great Physician? Read my book to see what Rudy does!

Letter from Pastor Rudy

My devotional writing

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